First-class made in Japan luxurious cake was re-born in the present age.
Selected first-class food material, Tanba guri, Tanba kuromame
and LUCERCACAO chocolate give you splendid,
depth and rich taste as well as happy and relaxing time.
Furthermore high-grade Kyoto Sansho is adopted as a secret ingredient.
It gifts you chance to come across mix of refreshing and rich flavor.
Exquisite harmony of those first-class materials created
by highly qualified Japanese artisan will surely satisfy your mind and heart.
Tanba guri and kuromame are highest class chestnuts
and black soy-beans produced in Tanba Japan. LUCERCACAO chocolate is famous
for luxurious chocolate.
Kyoto Sansho is Japanese spice promoting the deliciousness of food
material and usually served in “Ryotei” high class Japanese food restaurant.
Please keep it cool in a refrigerator. And then after slicing it thin,
you can enjoy little by little.
京都との交流の多かった 若狭の国の商屋であった勘兵衛が、
西洋の文化と若狭、京都、丹後地域などの 地域の食材を元に
そんな先祖の話を真に受けて、 夢の続きを追いかけてみた
End of the Meiji era,more than 100 years ago.
There was an existent famous merchant with profound knowledge of Japanese specialty food.
He tried to create a new sense of luxurious cake taking advantage of excellent specialty foods in his region "Wakasa and Tanba".
His name was Kanbey (勘兵衛).
Born in Wakasa region, north and mid part of Japan.
Wakasa and her neighbor“Tanaba”played key roll as a food transaction
route to the imperial capital Kyoto at the era.
Therefore Wakasa and Tanba are known as a highly refined food producing center.
We have determined to carry on his spirit and challenge
to re-create“made in Japan luxuriouscake ”used highest-quality food material.
First-class made in Japan luxurious cake was re-born.
Selected first-class food material, Tanba marron(丹波栗),Tanba kuromame(丹波黒豆)
and LUCERCACAO chocolate give you splendid and rich taste as well as relaxing time.
Furthermore high-grade Kyoto Sansho (京都山椒)is adopted as a secretingredient
that gifts mix of refreshing and rich flavor.
Tanba maroon and kuromame are highest class chestnuts
and black soy-beans produced in Tanba Japan.
LUCERCACAO chocolate is famous for luxurious chocolate.
Kyoto Sansho is Japanese spice promoting the deliciousness of food material
and usually served in“Ryotei (料亭) ”high class Japanese food restaurant
サイト運営:株式会社Hanbit 勘兵衛事業部
本社:〒141-0022 東京都品川区東五反田3-7-11-208
〒919-2225 福井県大飯郡高浜町宮崎45-10